



Some of the actions that happen on the book are that Gemma gets in love with Alex one of her sister friends and after a time they are together. Another action that happened on the book was that when they were little Gemma and her mom had a car accident and that’s why his mom doesn’t remember the things and forgets everything very often. The action that I liked most is the one when the sister Harper gets in love with Daniel because see always said Gemma that she will never get in love with Daniel. The action that I didn’t like was when the mermaids killed people to drink their blood.




 Some of the conflicts were that Gemma like to swim at might night in the night and she always went to swim and see the stars. One day she Know tree girls and go to a cave with them and at the next day she is a mermaid and there is the other conflict because she doesn’t know what the tree girls made to her and when she discovers what she is she know she can´t be a human again. She tries to find a way to be a human again and the only way to be a human is she needed to kill herself. After some days her sister and her boyfriend Alex decide to attack the sirens so they let their sister alone. When they go to the house were the mermaids are they notice they can convert into big birds and they can be very dangerous animals. When they try to get their sister back the mermaids treat them that if they take her sister they will kill the boyfriend of Gemma so Gemma decide to go with the mermaids and they go very far away.