This book is different to other book I have read because this book gives you many details and explains very goods the things that happen on the book. It’s different to because it’s a very interesting theme and when you start to read it you want to finish it the same day because you are anxious to read what´s going to happen next. I think it will be a great movie because the book has a good theme and its very interesting. Many people that see that is of mermaids they will like to see it because many people likes to see movies about mermaids.

One of the principal characters is Gemma she is a girl that has 18 years old she goes to school and she likes to swim. She is a normal girl that lives on the coast and works on a restaurant. She loves to go in the nights and swim were they are no noises and she can see the stars. She has a sister name Harper that is older than her she is 21 years old she works in a library. She takes care a lot of Gemma because seens the accident she had she doesn’t want that Gemma gets hurts so she doesn’t let her do nothing. When she was little her mother and she had a car accident so here mother stay bad and she forgets everything they say to her. His father after the car accident doesn’t see her wife because he thinks that it’s his fault. Daniel is a boy that lives on a boat and lives working at fixing houses. He is in love with Harper but harper doesn’t want anything with him because he is more interested on the university. Alex is a friend of Gemma that after some weeks Alex is gammas boyfriend and they are together because they love each other.




 Some of the conflicts were that Gemma like to swim at might night in the night and she always went to swim and see the stars. One day she Know tree girls and go to a cave with them and at the next day she is a mermaid and there is the other conflict because she doesn’t know what the tree girls made to her and when she discovers what she is she know she can´t be a human again. She tries to find a way to be a human again and the only way to be a human is she needed to kill herself. After some days her sister and her boyfriend Alex decide to attack the sirens so they let their sister alone. When they go to the house were the mermaids are they notice they can convert into big birds and they can be very dangerous animals. When they try to get their sister back the mermaids treat them that if they take her sister they will kill the boyfriend of Gemma so Gemma decide to go with the mermaids and they go very far away.